- We all know that bees collect honey from different flowers, but bees collect the honey but the taste of honey that we eat is not the same as the taste of honey collected by the bees. I'll tell you that.
Collected honey:
How do small bees work together to produce a very tasty and miraculous liquid called honey, which can never be spoiled for thousands of years?How do bees make honey? Finding the answer to this question may not have been easy for scientists at first, but through difficult experiments and thousands of hours of observation, scientists today discover how bees make honey.
Collect flower
'You may be surprised to find some spiny pure honey found in Egyptian mummies, which is more than five thousand years old but completely pure now'
Bees accomplish three levels of honey simultaneously, all bees have three types of bees, the highest of which is honey collector bees whose work is to collect honey, worker bees whose work is to protect honey, and queen bees to monitor everything.
How Honey Bees Make Honey:Make honey
Whenever a bee finds a flower with a suitable knitter, all the honey collectors return to the bee and call the bees there with a special posture. And this particular trait of bees was first discovered by Karl von Frisch, an insect scientist.
Each bee has two stomachs in its body, one of their honey collecting flower flowers, first moving to their honey stomach and mixing with the enzymes and completing the first step of making honey. Honey bees require about a thousand flower nippers to fill the stomach.
You may be surprised to know that bee honey from the stomach does not directly deposit the bee. When they first discovered this unusual symptom of honey entering the mouth of another bee, they did not know the reason.
Later they discovered that bee honey enters the stomach to make the honey pure and purified so that more enzymes can be added to the honey.
After this enzyme mixing phase, the bee deposits the honey bee and goes back to collect the honey. The beekeeper, then a beekeeper, closes the honey with a coating of honey like a mum on the mouth of a tube filled with honey, filled with honey. So that the water and any other dirt is not washed away and he is busy in his ministry.
In the other part of the bee, the queen bee lays eggs for the progeny to spread within these small tubes. Worker bees are also involved in the service.
In fact, bees keep collecting honey for their offspring so that they can survive the bee's honey until they grow up and learn to grow.
How does a small creature produce such a delicious liquid that it can do no harm to thousands of years of bacteria by trying to team up a difficult task? It is truly the great wonder of this great world.
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